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Elephant Garlic (Allium cepa)

Elephant Garlic (Allium cepa)

Regular price $12.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.99 USD
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A semi-hardneck type more closely related to leeks than garlic, this strain has been selected for cold-hardiness over time by a Mennonite family in Lancaster, PA. Elephant boasts 3”+ heads with 8-12 massive, easy-to-peel cloves per head. Rich, yet delicate onion-garlic flavor. Its straight central stalk appears the same time as garlic scapes but does not curl. Sow in fall to harvest the following summer.

Garlic cannot be shipped outside of the continental United States (including HI, US territories, or Armed Forces) or to the following states: AK, CA, CO, GA, ID, KS, MT, NV, OR, or WA.

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